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Programs and Community Services Unit

The goal of the Programs Department is to develop, administer and align programs and services with the overall mission of the office of the District Attorney, Clayton Judicial Circuit. The programs are aimed at offering an alternative to the normal court process, provide guidance and services to defendants, assist victims and the community. Initiatives have been spearheaded by the District Attorney that are bound for educating our community and being proactive in the lives of the Clayton County citizens.


Program Supervisor - Keysha Patrick

Assistant Coordinator - Anjie Loveless-Smith 


Harold R. Banke Justice Center 9151 Tara Blvd.,3rd Floor 

Jonesboro , GA 30236


Programs and Initiatives

Pretrial Intervention & Diversion Program

The program is designed to meet the needs of certain nonviolent offenders in an attempt to: defer them from their future criminal behavior; minimize loss to victims of these crimes through payment of restitution by the offender; serve the courts by reducing the numbers of less serious cases, permitting more time for more serious crimes; and, protect the community by supervising the accused following arrest until final disposition of the case.


Our program will require those who participate to repay the victim and the community for their criminal activity. This will be accomplished by the participant completing counseling, community service, drug screens, and paying restitution. Through these activities the participants will gain a better understanding of the judicial system and upon completion of these requirements, successful participants will be eligible for a record restricted of said charge(s). A clean record allows a new start and an opportunity to be a more productive citizen in our community.

For more information proceed to the link: Pretrial Intervention & Diversion Program


Law Related Educational Workshop

The Law Related Educational Workshop is a part of the District Attorney’s Office. The goal of the workshop is to educate and inform pretrial participants, community agencies, educational institutions and students about the law, to dispel the myths that are often communicated. As a part of this effort, the office has attended Career Day throughout the Clayton County School District. The participation in the county wide career day has given our office the opportunity to encourage education, but to educate students on the law and avoiding negative behavior. The workshop is initiated in-house as well. We offer this workshop the 3rd Thursday of each month.


Invest in Our Community Initiative

Reading programs with local schools

• Summer Teen Program

Feed the homeless

Donate to local nonprofit organizations

• Volunteer opportunities for college students

For more information proceed to the link: Community Involvement 

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9151 Tara Blvd | Jonesboro, GA 30236 | (770) 477- 3450 | Fax: (770) 477- 4577

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