The mission of this office is to serve as the advocate for the citizens of Clayton County and a voice for victims by expeditiously & vigorously pursuing the truth, enforcing the law and safeguarding the rights of all. This office works together with every element of the criminal justice system and the community to protect the innocent, to convict and appropriately punish the guilty, to protect the rights of victims and to promote public safety by deterring crime. We are proud to serve in this capacity and work tirelessly to fulfill our mission.
Our website features a description of our different Divisions and Units. Through these descriptions you will see that the prosecution of crimes takes many forms. In addition to these forms of prosecution, we partner with our citizens, other law enforcement agencies and community leaders to educate and conduct crime intervention and prevention initiatives. Our goal is to make Clayton County even more safe and to ensure that our justice system upholds the highest standards of fairness.
- DA Tasha M. Mosley